Matt Cartwright's lame media
Matt Cartwright(D-PA8) and John Chrin (NJ) have a lot of money to spend on
teevee ads.
Right out of the box Chrin was kicking Cartwright's teeth in. Sanc...
6 years ago
You don't need permission to post the pic, it's all over the place. Photoshop is a great thing.
Thanks, Gort. I will adjust the post accordingly then :)
You guys are not suggesting that this image is phony are you? the only thing suspicious about it is that the rifle is a 22 or a BB gun. Palin seems like the type to go for a big bore. After all she said yes to McCain the biggest bore around.
Yeah, the barrel is too thin to be a moose gun. It looks like a .22, or .422, or maybe a .38 - a bunny gun.
I just hope she's smart enough not to go hunting with Cheyney.
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